Architecting a simple interface for a complex world

The Council on Foreign Relations, a non-partisan think tank, sought to create a platform for students and educators to learn, hands-on, about foreign policy. Any Studios designed a role-playing product that simulates foreign affairs for an immersive learning experience.

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User testing

We spent months researching, investigating, and testing on real users to make sure the platform was intuitive to students and educators nationwide.

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Perspective is everything

We imagined a platform where students can play a role in re-enacting international crises. Through a series of briefs, they play out different scenarios and learn first-hand how foreign policy is used in the real world.

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Making a virtual reality

Every simulation is unique, and we needed a site to handle that. Any Studios designed a platform that is simple and intuitive, but robust enough to allow students to join from desktop or mobile, or even use pen and paper.

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